Report on Arbitrators Monthly Meeting – 13 November, 2018

ACDR conducted monthly arbitrator’s meeting at ACDR on November 13, 2018.

The purpose of this monthly meeting was to introduce the newly recruited arbitrators, mediators, and introduction with the ACDR staff. The discussions included talking about the arbitrator license, the procedure of achieving arbitrator’s license, creating drafts and guidelines, rules, procedures of the arbitration and the rollout of Arbitration through ACDR in the near future. The monthly meetings help ACDR follow its strategic plans and develop potential ways for better implementation of arbitration plans. The arbitrators were briefed on the latest activities, programs, and training conducted in ACDR and abroad for capacity building of the trainer arbitrators. The arbitrators were updated regarding the next training workshop in Sri Lanka for arbitrators and mediators.

To access the full report please click on this link: Arbitrators Meeting Report_13_November_2018